The social climate has dramatically deteriorated last weeks in our company BELGOCONTROL. Our management currently doesn’t respect previous engagements included in a collective convention between social partners. Additionnaly the unions have released a motion of distrust towards the BELGOCONTROL top management due to the breach of social dialogue.

 Most of the social tension comes from other personnel categories but belgian atco’s have opted for full support to the 3 representative unions if it would come to actions. 


Consequently, an industrial action prenotification (2 weeks pre-notice) has been released by the 3 unions.

In the meantime, considering the very high level of distrust towards management, the unions have declared to be supportive of any spontaneous action that would be initiated by any personnel category.


In the event of such a spontaneous action, we would like to ask for the understanding of European colleagues who would be affected in their daily work as a consequence of these actions.  


Could you please forward this information to all European M.As    


Best regards,


Olivier Nicolay

BGATC IFATCA liaison officer