IFATCA 22nd European Regional Meeting 14-16 October 2005 Rhodes
“Air Traffic Controllers from 41 European Countries highlight serious concerns about European ATM”
During the annual European Regional Meeting of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA) held on the Greek island of Rhodes, 265 Air Traffic Controllers from 41 European Countries once more expressed serious concerns on aspects of European Air Traffic Control Systems.
In addressing the meeting Victor Aguado, Director General of Eurocontrol declared that “the focus should be on safety and capacity” and that plans to harmonise ATC in Europe (such as the EU Single European Sky initiative) should be based upon operational requirements rather than political and economic interests. Mr Aguado added “We need cooperation more than competition”.
There is a feeling amongst controllers throughout Europe that the ATM system is still very much driven by financial requirements and the perceived need by some Air Navigation Service Providers to reduce costs.
During 3 days of intensive discussion and debate, delegates at the meeting addressed many issues and expressed concern over several issues including:
Increasing air traffic levels are being continuously reported with major growth being shown in Eastern Europe, yet these geographical areas tend to be the ones with least resources to cope with the increasing demand |
A European wide shortage of Air Traffic Controllers with a perceived reluctance by many employers to invest in the necessary resources in order to address the issue. As an example staffing problems in Greece will probably necessitate a drastic reduction in air traffic capacity within Greece during summer 2006 |
Concern over the lack of privacy being shown towards the identity of ATC personnel following an accident, together with an increasing level of speculation on the cause of an accident being promoted prior to the findings of any official investigation being published |
Nicolas Lyrakides, IFATCA Executive Vice President Europe commented “IFATCA acknowledges the need for change. However pure efficiency and economies of scale shall not take precedence over safety”.