Nærliggjandi flugstjórnarmiðstöðvar munu ekki taka að sér flugstjórnarþjónustu í íslenska flugstjórnarsvæðinu. FÍF hefur fengið þetta staðfest frá félögum okkar í Bretlandi, Kanada og Noregi.

Hér að neðan er tölvupóstur frá fulltrúa Prospect, stéttarfélagi flugumferðarstjóra í Bretlandi og fulltúa Kanada. FÍF hefur fengið sams konar upplýsingar frá Noregi

Dear Loftur,

thank you for your e mail. Let me first assure you that you and your colleagues have the support of Prospect on this issue and we would not support actions taken to seek to undermine the position of our colleagues in Iceland. I have just managed to speak to the employer in the UK (NATS) and my understanding is that the meeting that took place earlier this week was to afford the Icelandic delegation the opportunity to explain the contingencies which might be put in place should a dispute take place. This related solely, in my understanding, to fixed tracks though Iceland.

It has been made clear to the UK employer that we would regard any actions taken to seek to undermine your position in the most serious terms. They have responded that they would not seek to take any such actions.

I wish you all the very best and also attach my mobile number should you need to contact me over the coming period,


I am able to report that Navcanada has no plans to take over Icelandic airspace on January 01.  I have consulted on this at the executive level of the corporation and am confident that there is no substance to the suggestion as related to Navcanada.
Greg Myles